Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Five Top Tips to Boost Your Career Opportunities

Have you been made redundant? and face the daunting prospect of finding a career in your field of expertise? Where do you go? How do you start again?

Here are my five top tips to help you Boost Your Career Opportunities

1. Discover what you are good at

Think about what your previous job involved. Of those requirements, what areas were you best suited to and what areas, if you could, choose not to do again?

Use this time as an opportunity to re-evaluate your dream career using all the experience you have gained from previous employment.

2. Be Realistic

Stretch your boundaries but do not snap them!

Is your dream career realistic to your qualifications and expertise? Moreover, if they are not, are you willing to put in the time to meet those qualifications? If the answer is no, stop dreaming. Find what you are willing to do and to commit to.

3. Plan Your Day

Make the most of this extra time you have to research career opportunities, for example:

Devise a timetable, whereby you spend the mornings researching job availability, courses that could increase your career prospects and the afternoon applying, or working on a business plan idea. This will help you keep momentum and a sense of achievement at the end of each day.

4. Make achievable Steps

Have a list of tasks to do at the start of the week. You can then prioritise over the five days and tick them off as they are completed. That way you will not get complacent and it will help keep you focused on each task.

5. Do Not Take it Personal

It is ok to feel a bit despondent when you do not get a reply from a job application. However, do not let this stop you from applying to more. Because of the times we live in, employers are in undated with job applications at present.

Perseverance always brings results.

Brigid Flynn

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