Sunday, August 1, 2010

Online Data Entry Work At Home Jobs

One of the booming online occupations today is the data entry work that you can do from your home. For free work at home jobs you need not know have too much technical knowledge. Higher education is not a prerequisite here. You can be at school, and still be eligible for free work at home jobs. What you need is a PC at home, a net connection, and some spare time.

Why should you look for free work at home jobs? Would not it be good, if you could supplement some credit to your existing income? This is applicable to those, on the look out for odd jobs, trying to get maximum output from a minimum input. So, what is your best available option? Online free work at home jobs can make you millionaire if you give quality time for your work.

Free work at home jobs, give you the opportunity of working at your own sweet time in the luxury of your home. Besides working, when you are bored, you can chat, play games or send e-mails to your friends. There are a number of free work at home jobs sites that would provide you with more work than you can ever do even on a regular basis.

In case you are thinking there must be a catch somewhere with these free work at home jobs, put your thinking caps. If you are the owner of company, you need to open up a department to accommodate your data entry workers. The department needs a setup charge and a maintenance cost. The employees need to be paid for regular work as well as for overtime. However, if you outsource the same work you can save thousands effectively.

Here in lies the USP of data entry work, it is one of the more profitable of free work at home jobs. The question now arises what would the company want to feed? The need is obvious. There would be huge amount of data to be stored in a database, which would needs updating and uploading from time to time.

What exactly then is the work one does here? The free work at home jobs would let you do online form filling, taking and mailing surveys, retyping the sentences from a book or scanned page, input email addresses and phone numbers. Put in a nutshell you have to feed numbers and texts. A setup with "X" number of employees would have cost the company a fortune, instead outsourcing the same is much more affordable, courtsey free work at home jobs.

Now we come to the all important payment aspect for your much-coveted free work at home jobs. You are promised a hefty figure, which you cannot access, till you cross a certain figure. The free work at home jobs can make you rich in no time. For every form, you fill out; you can be paid between 0.5 cents to $50. Therefore, if you fill 100 forms a month you can get a maximum of $5000. At the end of the year, you can make $60000. Free work at home jobs, certainly pay well if you follow some basic guidelines of the job.

Free work at home jobs can make you rich, but remember, data entry jobs need you to show 100% accuracy in your work. If your work has an accuracy rate of 94% to 99%, you would lose some money as penalty. So, show that little amount of devotion to your free work at home jobs, and laugh your way to bank.

By Jayden Harris

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